The Association of Support Professionals (ASP) recently published a report entitled The Changing Expectations of Support (membership required, and I encourage you to join if you haven’t!). It’s eye-opening. The […]
Customer Experience
The Care and Feeding of Taxonomies, Part 3: How to Design Them
Having said why it’s important to get taxonomies right, and what makes a good taxonomy, I should let you know how you can do taxonomy design on your own. In our […]
“Sensible” Support Policies and their Unintended CX Consequences
TL;DR: It’s better to trust and empower Tier 1 than to make customers run through the gauntlet because you only allow Tier 3 to do certain things. I want to […]
Transparency: A Personal Reflection
…last weekend I had an experience that helped me understand how transparency improves the customer experience and loyalty.
Free Your Knowledge Base
Some good reasons to put your knowledge base on the Internet–and some outdated myths that keep it locked up behind a customer login today.
The Disconnect (Video)
Happy 2014! It has been a very long time since we posted here, and I feel a little guilty because we have quite a few new subscribers. Instead of blogging, […]
How To Map Your Customer Experience Journeys
Recently, we made the case for mapping your customer experience. So, how do you do it? If you can get the right people in the room, it’s surprisingly easy. Here’s the […]
Map your Customer Experience…and Surprise Yourself!
“O wad some Pow’r the giftie gie us To see oursels as ithers see us!” Robert Burns Seeing ourselves as others see us is a gift. And Customer Experience Mapping […]
Great Customer Experiences
It’s been an atypically long break between blog posts. (Some might call it a welcome respite.) Lots of work travel, and we’re just back from a lovely vacation in Spain. […]